A recent social media meme asked me “If you could be a goddess or a god, what would you be the patron deity of?”

My first thought was ‘semi-colons’ because my brain doesn’t work well under pressure. Still, I supposed semi-colons are better than colons, considering that at some point someone is going to misunderstand that title and the colon gods will be elbow deep in proctology.

2018-08-16 15.18.22.png
meme credit to Mr. P’s Mythopedia on the book of face

Then I thought about it a little more and decided I’d like to be the goddess of unfinished stories. I don’t think there is a current goddess of unfinished stories and just think of how handy I could be. Instead of letting unfinished stories rot in a notebook, characters frozen in whatever terrible situation you’ve put them in, you could call on me. Deadline looming and not sure how to end your story? I’m your goddess.

I’m not comfortable with prayer (my mind-reading skills are terrible), but feel free to text or email.

Writers could leave offerings of freshly ground dark roast coffee, Sharpie pens (fine), the occasional smudge stick. For big messes maybe some HP75XL printer ink (cough cough  George R. R. Martin). In return I’d help them finish their stories.

The upside will be all the books dedicated to me and my mentions in acknowledgement pages at the end of books. Do you ever read those? They’re strangely dull considering the authors are… well, published. When I become the goddess of unfinished stories, that is going to change. The acknowledgements will be epic, full of entertaining doodads and hilarious anecdotes. They will become the book version of end-of-credits sequences on beloved films. The true fans will adore them and hipsters will covet them.

All in all, I’m not sure we as writers can afford to not make me the goddess of unfinished stories, except for this whole mortal thing I have happening. If anyone has any suggestions or hacks for becoming a goddess, please pass them along so we can get this thing started.

Happy writing!


8 thoughts on “the goddess of unfinished stories

  1. ooh your majesty, last night I was going to ask if I could be the Prince of Procrastination, but I didn’t get round to it, and now I’ve think I might apply to be the master of mispelling, big cheese of bad, commas, or the overlord of overlong sentences, what do you think?

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  2. Oh goddess of unfinished stories, I would have so many scraps of paper and old spiral bound notebooks to lay at your altar.

    The one good thing about my unfinished stories, at least in my writing process, is that I often find names and ideas, or little turns of phrase, that I can re-purpose for newer projects.

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